

ca88登录正确网址,你的学位只是一个开始. Our alumni collaborate with each other 和 the University to improve their world with 项目 like Day of Action, 怎样才能让低收入家庭的小学生更容易上大学呢, 黑人女性领先, 这为年轻黑人女性创造了领导机会. 一个从科罗拉多到卡塔尔的校友网络让毕业生可以在世界各地找到工作, 从丹佛的酿酒师到谷歌的运营协调员, 雇用同道先锋队员.

无论生活将你带向何方, 我们的校友社区将提供支持和发展, 联系和协作, 以及大量改善DU和世界的机会. 你会立刻投入工作, using our comprehensive career 服务s 和 our global alumni networks to find your ideal career while building professional connections 和 lasting friendships.

随着你在生活和事业上的进步, you'll enrich the DU community by offering wisdom 和 opportunities to current students—the next generation of DU alumni. 你将有机会参加校友活动, 包括职业发展,文化和体育活动, 以及继续接触校园内或校友居住的地方的教职员工和校园领导. 我们的校友继续提供一个有价值的声音,帮助我们超越,我们展望未来.

职业生涯 & 专业发展


  • 服务


  • 服务

    通过简历咨询来打造你的专业品牌, 求职信和面试准备, 以及在线角色培养

  • 服务

    驾驭诸如薪资谈判之类的复杂话题, 领导和资产管理, 通过面对面的活动和免费的网络研讨会

  • 服务


  • 服务




  • 全球

    先锋的职业, a DU-exclusive jobs database that allows alumni to search for open positions at companies ranging from MGM to Toyota. 校友还可以使用该数据库来填补他们办公室或公司的空缺职位.

  • 全球

    大学职业行动网, a group of 21 of the nation's best colleges 和 universities that share thous和s of domestic 和 international internship opportunities.

  • 全球

    先锋连接, a grassroots alumni networking community that gives you the opportunity to interact with 和 learn from graduates all across the world.


访问的职业 & 专业发展




A 2006 服务-learning project in Nicaragua inspired two University of Denver students — economics major Eric Kornacki (BA ’09) 和 criminology major Joseph Teipel (BA ’07) — to fight poverty at home. 当这对夫妇发现获取新鲜食物的途径有限时, 健康食品是丹佛韦斯特伍德社区面临的最大问题之一, 他们开发了他们标志性的Re:Farm项目, 该公司与韦斯特伍德的居民一起建造后院花园和社区城市农场. The nonprofit is now working to exp和 their impact by helping establish a multipurpose community center 和 a community-owned international food hall. 他们只是众多致力于寻找创造性解决方案以改善世界的先驱者中的两位.




里根·林顿,她在杜克大学获得硕士学位 社会工作研究生院他创造了历史,成为第一个坐轮椅的人,被任命为美国主要电影的艺术总监.S. 剧院公司. 那家公司, Phamaly, is a Denver-based professional troupe that produces plays 和 musicals cast entirely of performers with physical, 认知和情感障碍. 在杜克大学期间, 林顿认识到戏剧和社会工作都有增加同理心的主要作用, 一个她每天都在努力的目标.



希拉里·弗朗西丝于2009年毕业,获得国际和跨文化交际硕士学位. 她目前正在帮助非传统学生做准备, 他们中的许多人是移民和难民, 进入劳动力市场. As instructional dean of adult education 和 the Language Learning Center at Emily Griffith Technical College, she helps international adult students who worked in STEM 和 healthcare fields in their countries of origin to learn English in a way that helps them return to their fields of expertise. Her work helps ensure these students are able to fully participate in 和 contribute to their new communities.



伊娃·哈坎森是世界上最快的女摩托车手. 不仅如此, she used the master's in mechanical engineering she acquired at DU to build her record-setting electric motorcycle, 的Killajoule. The accomplishments of this self-proclaimed "tree-hugging speed junkie" prove the potential of electric vehicles 和 set an example for young women who want to build the future.



克雷格·帕特里克, 1969年获得经济学学士学位的人, used his four years of experience on the Pioneer ice hockey team for both a decade-long professional career 和 a place in the history brooks. 作为赫伯·布鲁克斯的教练组成员, 克雷格是1980年《yzcca88游戏登录网址》(Miracle On Ice)的替补,“在哪里?”.S. 男子曲棍球队在奥运会上以惊人的成绩击败了苏联队. He followed up that success with stints as DU’s athletic director 和 as general manager for two NHL teams, 匹兹堡企鹅队和纽约游骑兵队.



家得宝首席财务官,福布斯50位最具影响力的商界女性之一, 卡罗尔•汤姆最初并不认为自己会帮助管理一家价值900亿美元的公司. 在她家族的独立银行被出售后,她开始寻找其他机会. The leadership experience she gained as a teaching assistant at DU gave her the foundation she needed to climb the corporate ladder. 如今,她自诩为“家得宝现金女王和金融统治者”,坐在公司的顶端,,并成为杜克大学商界的榜样.



萨姆·埃斯滕森在杜克大学功成名就, serving as president of 本科生学生会 和 helping coordinate the 2012 presidential debate on campus. After graduating in 2013 with a bachelor's degree in a self-designed major (intercultural globalization 和 foreign languages), he came to work for Google as an operations coordinator on a global team that manages the company’s hiring systems 和 processes. He hopes to bring more Pioneers to Google 和 has coordinated video chats with current students across many fields who are interested in the company.




从丹佛的校友聚会到迪拜的晚宴, you'll find chances to network 和 make lasting friendships with your fellow alumni across the 全球. 校友 activities in Denver range from summer socials organized by our Young 校友 to the 校友 Weekend, 这是为了表彰那些在杜克大学留下不可磨灭印记的人.

如果你不住在丹佛也不用担心, 你会发现我们的国内和国际校友网络举办了各种各样的活动. Whether you're living in Seattle 和 looking to make career connections or visiting Los Angeles 和 hoping to find some friendly faces to join for a Pioneer hockey game, 我们的校友会将敞开心扉欢迎你的到来.

我们特别引以为豪的一个新活动是校友周末, 庆祝校友的成就, welcomes graduating students to the alumni community 和 gives returning alumni a taste of what we're doing at DU. 校友周末的中心是校友奖和先驱者座谈会. 校友 Awards is our opportunity to recognize 和 celebrate alumni across the world 和 in any field. 先驱者专题讨论会是一个年度系列活动,邀请校友参加, professors 和 other notable speakers back to the classroom to learn about important issues concerning our students, 我们的社区和我们的世界.

我们也为校友提供专业发展机会, covering topics ranging from finding a first job for recent graduates to live resume review to Myers-Briggs testing. 杜女子职业联盟系列也提供职业发展活动, discussing issues like how to succeed in the workplace as a female professional 和 bringing together women business owners.



我们的校友行动(倡导合作,通过包容性卓越, 拓展和网络)支持黑人, 亚洲, 土著和拉丁裔社区通过宣传和教育. By bringing alumni 和 current students of color together through events like concerts 和 hockey games, they foster 和 strengthen a community that works to build a strong on-campus experience that extends to alumni 和 professional life after graduation.


无论你毕业多久,ca88登录正确网址校友社区都会为你提供终身福利. 我们的校友网络由先锋校友传奇(朋友)完善。, 一群毕业于50年以上的校友. 朋友 holds quarterly events on campus for the increasing number of older Pioneers who wish to return to campus 和 share in a renewed sense of excitement for the University.